4 questions/comments

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Question   your bio
Pam I had no idea 1) you were a photographer , and 2) you had given up jewelry design, 3) you were no longer at the U.
. I can see you are indeed multi-talented! Beautiful work.
Beautiful web page. Congrats!

A big fan.

- Meff Thompson May 26, 2011

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Question   Awsome Site!
Pam- The site & pictures are great! It is awesome to see you still following your passion~ Take care! Tina

- Tina Toro November 17, 2009

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Question   Great Photos
Pam - You have a beautiful website. Will look forward to seeing some pix from the Photo Walk in Tucson's Barrio Veijo last night.

- Monica Surfaro Spigelman July 19, 2009

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Question   Website is a Treat
I so enjoyed your website.....especially the fall pictures in Maine.
It was a treat to see the colors of fall - something I miss living in Tucson. Thank you for sharing and more importantly for enriching my vision of the beauty of nature all around us daily. Lita

- Lita Saunders October 30, 2008

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